About APIC
The members of Association of Professionals in Industry of Climat (APIC) are more than 100 companies, who professionally deal with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment in Russia.
The main aim of Apic is to join efforts for developement of HVAC business in Russia, implantation of adherence to the principles of fair competition based on civilized ways of doing business, introduction and promotion of new products and latest technoligy, protection of the interests of Russian distributors and wholesalers of HVAC equipment and services.
Creation of APIC
The initiative to create APIC was put forward by the Moscow based HVAC companies in order to join their efforts to form mature and predictable market of HVAC equipment in Russia.
The Organization Meeting of Association was held in May 1997. There took part 21 companies, engaged in HVAC business. In September 1997 APIC was registered.
Who are the members of APIC
Members of APIC represent all parts of the HVAC market, ranging from companies – producers of equipment and main dealers to the companies who install equipment.
Any Russian and foreign company with good business reputation may be the member of APIC. It should have at least two-year experience of work in Russian HVAC market and recommendations from two actual members of APIC.
The work of APIC
APIC is a non-commercial organization. The budget of Association is formed on the base of membership fees. The General Meeting of Members is the superior body of APIC. Once a year the General Meeting elects the Council of APIC, which consists of seven CEO of companies – members. The everyday activity of APIC is managed by the Executive Director.