How to enter APIC
Dear Sirs
To enter APIC, company should have at least three-year experience of work in the market of climat equipment and good business reputation confirmed by written recommendations of your two partners – members of APIC.
If you decide to enter APIC, you should send to the Direction of APIC the following documents:
- Questionnaire (see model).
- Application (see model).
- Brief information about economical activity of the company (free form).
- The Charter of the company, certified with the seal of the company.
- Certificate of Registration, certified with the seal of the company.
- Written recomendations of your two partners – members of APIC.
After receiving the full set of documents, Direction of APIC includes the issue of admittance of your company into agenda of the next meeting of the Council of APIC. The meetings usually are held once a month. CEO of the companies, who gave recommendations, are also invited to the meeting. The meeting of the Council considers the issue preliminarily.
In case of the positive decision, the Council of APIC invites the CEO of the company – candidate to the next meeting of the Council. If the result of voting of the Council is positive, your company becomes the member of APIC de facto. It can use the APIC logo and gets access to the data bases of APIC, discounts and all preferences of the member of APIC.
The next session of the Gneral Meeting of the members of APIC consideres the issue of membership de jure and approves the decision of admittance taken by the Council. General Meetings are held two times in a year, in October and March.