Climate World-2011 – we don’t promise – we do
Even now, many companies engaged in HVAC&R and construction business start preparing their marketing plans for 2011. Among other things, those companies decide on the form of participation in the largest HVAC&R exhibition Climate World-2011. To make your investments in this regard most efficient we decided to tell you about new opportunities for you in our exhibition project.
Just like before, the 7th International specialized exhibition Climate World-2011, which is to take place from March, 1st till March, 4th, 2011 at Expocentre Fairgrounds at Krasnaya Presnya, will gather the leading HVAC&R companies of Russia. White Guard, Breez, Ventrade, Vertex, Daichi, Inrost, Nimal, Rusklimat, Siesta, Teplomash, Thermocool, Hiconix, Cherbrooke, Alva Laval, Bitzer, Ciat Distribution, Cherbrooke, Daichi, Free Tech, General Climate, Normal Vent, PM Vent, Rols Isomarket, Systemair, Ventcor have already announced about their participation. The area of Climate World-2011 exhibition ground will constitute over 18,000 sq. m. and may exceed by this figure the area of Climate World-2008 exhibition which was the largest exhibition of the pre-crisis part of the year.
This time, Climate World will take place a whole week earlier. And there is good reason for that: the exhibition will not overlap with large international projects, while traditionally taking place before the opening of the season, when companies show their new products and hold active commercial negotiations. Besides, as early as the opening of Climate World-2010 exhibition, we officially promised to our lady-participants, that the preparation for the exhibition will never coincide with the International Women’s Day and, like gentlemen, we keep our word.
The business programme of the exhibition will change seriously. All three days will be devoted to the most urgent issues. On the first day, we will tell about the new project of APIC: HVAC equipment verification. It is no secret that the specifications indicated by some manufacturers in the technical documentation often differ from the actual performance of equipment. This fact gives rise to unfair competition, when the customer receives inadequate information. Air curtain verification project is being implemented at APIC with great success, and by the beginning of 2011 we plan to extend this project by covering the most popular types of HVAC equipment. Also, the first day will be devoted to a traditional overview of HVAC equipment market, report for 2010 and forecast for 2011; the leading industry experts will speak at the event.
The second day of the exhibition will be devoted to self-regulated organizations, norms and industry-specific training. We will give the word to our partners from ABOK, self-regulated organizations NP “ISZS-Montazh” and NP “ISZS-Proyekt”; we also expect the leaders of the construction industry to speak at the event. New norms for the HVAC&R and construction business will be announced as well as re-training and advanced training programmes, industry SRO will report on their work and tell about their plans for the future.
The third day of the exhibition is the Day of Ecology and Energy Efficiency. One of the partners of the exhibition in 2011 will be United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Again, it’s no secret, that one of the organizers of the exhibition, Association of Professional companies in Industry of Climate has been supporting for a long time the project of UNIDO and Minprirody for HCFC phase-out in Russia. Within the nearest future we expect the orders limiting the importation and manufacture of HCFC, and a number of radical measures by the Government is expected to be implemented by March 2011. In order for the project to be implemented with due consideration of interests of HVAC&R business, we would like to invite all related companies to participate in this event. Within the framework of the Day of Ecology and Energy Efficiency, speeches by HCFC phase-out project leaders, experts, as well as presentations of equipment manufacturers offering environment-friendly equipment in the Russian Federation, and representatives of ABOK are planned. By the time of the exhibition we plan to make not only the traditional Exhibition Catalogue but also to announce environment-friendly and energy-efficient technologies in HVAC&R industry.
For Climate World exhibition, the year of 2011 is to become a true breakthrough in the field of web technology. It is well-known that the site of the exhibition, has already been used successfully for a long time by many customers as a resource for searching for partners. In 2011 we will open Contact Internet-Center which is to make it possible for “virtual guests” to attend the exhibition and communicate with the participants. All of the most important events of the exhibition: from the opening to the details of each day of the business programme, will be able to be viewed live at the web-site. Also, at the site, visitors will be able to view video-messages and video interviews. In 2011, Internet will be free for all the participants and guests of the exhibition and be available across the whole area of the exhibition.
We also plan to provide free meals for visitors – we can learn from our competitors. This was the first resolution of the Council of Exhibitors, a new collegiate project management body incorporating the project’s permanent and active participants. In cooperation with APIC and EuroExpo, they are working out the exhibition development strategy, share ideas, improve the service, and have a real influence on the development of Climate World.
And, finally, the main distinguishing feature of Climate World-2011 is that we do what we promise. When we list organizations, we mean clear agreements with them, and when we announce new projects we mean that they will be implemented within the nearest future.
We invite you to Climate World exhibition, the project that brings its participants and guests real money and fulfills its promises!